Monday, May 7, 2012

Product deloverment new option for german base - by: Andreas45

Hello Carty ,hello guys,
when you looking in my profilöe you see I live in germany contry other we ocean smile.
Your conxept and Product is very good, and i read many positiv feedbacks about you carty.
In germany is autoblogging a new aria ok of course wp robot is a good plugin for german affiliate eyample amazon shozilla click bank
and its work realy good.
But i think the easy way to handeling by your product will be high interresting for german market. and it will be a good nische for your marketing also to.May be by your next upgrade you will think about that.
I thin it is a good idea becouse some us marketer sell nice templets for amazon .de what is not the same ok, but it makes good commissions earning money.
and to programming your software may be is a simple way.
Sorry please for my smal english it is bad excuse me
Best regards Andreas

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